If current economic conditions are keeping you awake at night, it may be time to rethink your investment mix.
Consider diversifying your portfolio to include residential, multi-family or even light commercial real estate.
Price volatility has receded, meaning you'll get that needed sleep.
Equally important, rising rents can mean annual returns in excess of 13%.
Image a portfolio that outperforms the stock market and minimizes the impact of inflation.
Invest like a pro. Your retirement account will thank you.
Central North Carolina includes a diverse blend of people, cultures, cuisines, employers, educators… and real estate. We’re experts in the latter. We represent buyers, sellers and investors of properties in Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, Hillsborough, Durham and the surrounding communities. Chris is a preferred realtor for Duke Health’s Physician Diagnostic Clinic, so is expert in relocation issues. Kevin is an expert in real estate investment and offers property management services in support of his clients.